Natural remedies for herpes Infection

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Herpes infections are mucous membranes diseases caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV). The categories of these viruses include simplex virus type 1 and type 2. (1,2)

These HSV(s) are contagious. Their mode of transmission from one individual to another is through physical contact.(3)

Herpes virus (HSV-1) often spreads through kissing and touching while herpes virus (HSV-2) is through sexual contact.(4,5,6)

Besides the prescriptions from conventional medicine, here are natural treatments that are effective in relieving herpes symptoms and reducing irritation and inflammation of tissues.

But, you should be aware that there is no cure for HSV in the pharmaceutical world.(7,8)

How do I get rid of herpes simplex virus naturally?

Not all people who have had herpes infection experience swollen sores at least twice in the first few years of their life.(9,10)

A 2018 study poise that up to 90% of individuals with herpes doesn’t show noticeable symptoms.

There are several treatment options that include home remedies and lifestyle changes that will improves a person’s immune system. Below are other means of naturally dealing with genital and mouth herpes.

1. Compresses

A cold compress is a pad of a porous, water-containing fabric, such as cotton, that you can use on the skin. It may help treat swelling and inflammation as a result of injuries or disease.(11)

A cold compress can temporarily relieve minor aches and pains in the muscles and joints due to simple backache, arthritis, strains, minor injuries, and so on. Use an ice pack on the herpes sores.(12)

Cold and warm compresses relieve itching. Furthermore, warm compresses prevent the formation of blisters.(13,14)

You can microwave rice and fill a sock with it to make a warm dry compress, or put ice in a clean cloth to make a cold compress and apply it to the affected area, but be careful not to apply ice directly to the affected area of the skin.

2.  Honey

Figure 1: Showing Minimum Inhibitory Concentration of 4 types of honey on various bacteria.

Honey’s natural antiseptic and antibacterial properties can help prevent herpes sores. It also promotes healing and alleviates pain.(15,16)

Honey aids in the fight against the bacteria that causes ulcers. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect, which helps to reduce the pain and swelling associated with an ulcer.(15,17)

Applying kanuka honey aids healing because honey has the same antiviral effect as antiviral cream.(18)

According to new research, treatment with antiviral cream takes 8 days, and treatment with honey takes 9 days.(19,20)

3.Baking soda

Baking soda is an effective antacid. Baking soda neutralizes the acid in your mouth and treats herpes. Prepare a baking soda paste with sufficient water and ensure it’s thick.

Apply the paste on the affected area of your mouth or inside your cheek. Allow it to sit for about half an hour then spit it out.

It’s a suitable remedy because it soothes itching and helps to dry out sores.(21,22)

4.Cornstarch paste

Cornstarch is a powder made from ground up corn stalks. It is commonly used as a cooking thickener and as a home remedy for a variety of ailments.(23, 24)

In addition to using cornstarch as an oral paste, you may use it to treat sunburns, poison ivy rashes, and minor cuts and burns.

What is the best cornstarch paste for mouth sores?

Cornstarch and salt: Combine 1/2 cup cornstarch, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and enough water to make a thick paste. You may use the mixture as a mouthwash or direct application on the sores.

Cornstarch can treat cold sores and mouth herpes. You may use wet cotton ball to apply the affected area.

5. Garlic

garlic, ingredient, flavoring-3419544.jpg

Garlic is an Allium herb. It’s been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. Because of it’s antiviral properties against strains of the HSV, garlic is the most effective remedies for herpes.(25,26)

How to Use Garlic for Mouth Herpes:

  • Crush a garlic clove, dilute it with olive oil, and dab it on the sore with a cotton swab or fingertip.
  • Gargle a teaspoon of minced garlic mixed with hot water.
  • Chew on a small piece of raw garlic every day.

Moreover, garlic is a pungent-smelling herb, that most people use as a spice. It adds adds flavor to dishes and acts as an antioxidant. Studies show that the antihypertensive properties of garlic is similar to prescription drugs for high blood pressure.(27,28,29)

Some people apply garlic directly to wounds and cuts on the skin. Garlic contains compounds that are effective at fighting infections, lowering cholesterol, and inhibiting tumor growth.(30,31)

6. Apple cider vinegar topically

The most effective home remedy for treating and preventing canker sores is apple cider vinegar.

A 2015 study poses that Apple cider vinegar has the same effect on skin irritation as the best medicine you can get without spending money on prescriptions.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a folk remedy that has been used for centuries to help relieve symptoms of indigestion, heartburn, sinus infections, sore throats, and other ailments.(32)

Because ACD has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, mix one teaspoon with three teaspoons of warm water and apply to the infected area.(33,34)

7. Dietary modifications

You should eat healthy foods rich in ingredients that help your immune system fight the HSV virus. Consume antioxidant-rich foods such as cauliflower, spinach, and tomatoes to boost your immune system, reduce inflammation, and suppress HSV viruses.(35)

Concreate scientific evidence suggest that dietary supplement are key for herpes medications and other symptoms of viral infections.(36)

8.Essential Oils

Essential oils are natural moisturizers that will curb the itching, sores and dry skin caused by herpes. To avoid skin burn, dilute essential oils with a carrier oil such as coconut or jojoba oil.

Apply a few drops of oil to a small area of the forearm before full application to test the skin’s allergy and avoid irritation.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is an essential oil derived from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia, an Australian tree. It has gained popularity in alternative medicine due to its antimicrobial, antiseptic, antiviral, antiparasitic, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Tea tree oil as a mouthwash is an alternative medicine practice for preventing and treating canker sores and genital herpes.

It can treat mouth herpes on the inside of the lips, the tongue, and the mouth lining.

Chamomile essential oil

Chamomile oil has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, mild sedative and analgesic properties. It also aids in the healing of herpes.

Apply a drop of chamomile oil to the sore with a cotton swab. According to a new study, chamomile oil can help fight HSV type 2.

Ginger essential oil

Ginger oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can help with herpes.

The antibacterial and antifungal properties of ginger oil, aids in the treatment of any infection that causes genital or oral herpes.

Ginger oil is derived from the root and rhizome (underground stem and roots) of Zingiber officinale. The spicy, warm, and pungent aroma of ginger oil can help relieve nausea and vomiting.

Thyme essential oil

Thymus Vulgaris is another name for thyme. It’s a fragrant perennial herb with fragrant grayish-green leaves and white or pink flowers.

Thyme essential oils are used as an expectorant to loosen mucus in the lungs and bronchial tubes, as well as a heart stimulant.

Thymol, a chemical with antiseptic and antibacterial properties, can be found in crushed thyme leaves and stems. Thymol has been used as a mouthwash or gargle to treat herpes.

Greek sage oil

To treat herpes sores, gently rub a few drops of sage oil around the sores after diluting it with carrier oil 2 to 3 times per day.

Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil has anti-inflammatory properties that are thought to aid in the healing of herpes. Cineole, an antiseptic, is also present in eucalyptus oil. To disinfect and soothe skin irritations, apply eucalyptus oil topically to the herpes sores along with carrier oil like coconut oil.

Mexican oregano oil

Mexican oregano oil is a popular home remedy for treating oral health issues. Because of its potent antiviral properties, it can be used to treat a wide range of oral health problems, including canker sores, oral herpes, Sjogren’s syndrome, and fungal infections of the mouth.

N/B among other oils, petroleum jelly may be added directly to the sores and goat milk.

What natural herbs can you use to treat herpes virus?

There are several treatment options that you may choose to curb the HSV virus. Below are antiviral herbs that will prevent outbreaks and treat active outbreak.

Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera is a succulent plant with thick fleshy leaves. The gel-like liquid found inside the leaves has numerous health benefits.

Because aloe vera is a soothing, moisturizing, and nutrient-rich gel, it is used as topical treatment for wound healing, pain relief, and the treatment of skin conditions such as eczema and herpes ulcers.

You can apply aloe vera gel directly to herpes lesions without carrier oil three times per day.

Lemon balm extract

Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) is used to relax muscles and relieve tension headaches, sore throats, colic, insomnia, nervousness, anxiety, and restlessness. This remedy has been used for centuries to relieve burning, stinging, and irritation of the mouth, including herpes.

You should dilute lemon balm extract oil with carrier oil and apply the mixture to the HSV virus lesion as it suppresses outbreaks and reduces transmission.

Licorice extract

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) has been used for centuries as an anti-inflammatory and antiviral agent. It’s an ingredient in herbal products to relieve skin irritation, including herpes lesions, dental work irritation, and as a treatment for oral ulcers.

To treat herpes outbreaks, apply licorice extract directly to the affected skin without dilution. 

Sage-rhubarb preparation

Dilute sage and rhubarb with a carrier oil and use the result to treat herpes ulcers, as this mixture has the same effect as acyclovir in fighting HSV-1.

Neem extract

For centuries, neem has been used in Ayurveda, an Indian system of traditional medicine. In addition to its uses on the skin, neem leaf extracts can treat periodontal disease on the teeth and gums. Because neem oil has antiherpes properties, apply it to herpes lesions after diluting it with carrier oil.

Echinacea extract

It is one of the homeopathic herpes remedies made from echinacea plants. You can apply echinacea extract directly to your skin without dilution to relieve herpes symptoms because it is a powerful antiviral against two strains of herpes simplex and has anti-inflammatory properties.

What causes herpes?


Herpes is caused by infections with the herpes simplex viruses types 1 and 2, which commonly affect the mouth, genitalia, and anal area.

Once infected with the herpes simplex virus, the virus will remain in your body for the rest of your life.

Herpes simplex type 1 only affects the mouth, causing cold sores, but both types 1 and 2 can affect the genitalia. Herpes simplex virus spreads sexually or through skin-to-skin contact.

Other means through which you may get HSV virus include sharing lip balms. Sensitive skin areas like the lips and genitals should not share any particulars.

What does a single herpes bump look like?

Symptoms begin to appear two weeks after the initial infection. You will experience tingling near the site where HSV first entered your body.

Red small bumps appear first, followed by small blisters filled with pus that develop into itchy and painful sores with a yellow crust that heal without leaving a scar.

Can herpes disappear naturally?

True, but you should be aware that there is no cure for the herpes simplex virus. Cold sores or blisters on the mouth heal and disappear on their own without treatment.

You should try remedies for herpes or even medications to alleviate symptoms and prevent the condition from worsening. These are few scientific evidence on the natural disappearing of these infections.

What triggers herpes outbreaks? And how long can a herpes outbreak last?

There are several triggers of herpes outbreak. The most common ones are sexual intercourse, menstrual cycles and physical contacts. The first is the longest and most severe, lasting for more than 2-4 weeks before the outbreak reappears less frequently.

But in this article are several easy to follow steps to help in case of herpes outbreak.

How did I get genital herpes if my partner doesn’t have it?

Genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted disease that affects people aged 14 to 49, but it is frequently misdiagnosed or goes unnoticed.  Because of the lack of symptoms, one out of every six people is infected with genital herpes. These people are virus carriers and can infect their partners when having vaginal sex.

In the following circumstances, even if your partner is free of genital herpes, you can become infected with the herpes simplex virus.

  • Herpes virus infection in cold sores.
  • Contact with an infected person’s saliva and genital secretion.
  • Contact with an infected person’s oral or genital skin
  • Oral sex if your partner has oral herpes.

N/B: These are not the only ways; you can get the herpes virus from swimming pools, toilet seats, or bedding.

Symptoms and signs of genital herpes

  • A burning and itchy sensation in the genital and anal regions
  • Sores and ulcers on the virus entry site
  • Swollen glands
  • Pain in the lower limbs, genitals, and buttocks
  • Fever and flu-like symptoms
  • Pressure sensation in the pubic region

Why do I keep getting herpes flare-ups?

To avoid herpes flare-ups, you should avoid all potential herpes triggers.

  • Sun and cold exposure
  • Physical trauma
  • Surgery
  • Weak immune system
  • Hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle
  • Sexual intercourse in genital herpes

What is the best herpes treatment?

The best way to treat mouth ulcers is to keep them clean, dry, and free of irritation. To do so, you must stop smoking, avoid spicy foods, and chew sugar-free gum or suck an ice cube instead.

Do the following if you have herpes.

  • Get a new toothbrush.
  • Manage stress and take a break.
  • Keep off from allergens.
  • Avoid sun exposure.
  • Don’t pop or drain cold sores while they are healing.
  • Do not share drinks or cups during outbreaks.
  • Put on 100 percent cotton underwear.
  • Keep the genital area clean and dry at all times.
  • Take a hot shower
  • Stop careless sexual activity

What foods help fight herpes?

To manage chronic inflammation, consume omega-3 fatty acid-rich foods such as chia seeds. Consume a diet high in protein and low in saturated fat, such as almonds and oats, because protein is necessary for the immune system to fight HSV and other organisms.(37)

Healthy diet comprising of oranges, strawberries, and bell peppers are high in vitamin C, which helps herpes outbreaks. It hastens healing and extends the time between outbreaks. Vitamin c also strengthen immune system that sets the body against herpes infections.(38,39)

Zinc also reduces the number of herpes outbreaks, so eat wheat germ and chickpeas to extend the HSV interval.(40,41)

Green beans, spinach, and broccoli are high in vitamin B complex, which is necessary for your immune system to fight herpes.(42)

A mouth herpes diet should include fresh, cold, and sweet foods. Cool liquids can be useful. These all helps to speed up the healing process.

What foods to avoid if you have herpes?

Acidic food

Fruit juice and soda impede the healing of herpes.


Inside the body, alcohol is converted to sugar, which inhibits the immune system by suppressing white blood cells and causes more outbreaks.

Processed food products

Synthetic preservatives found in processed foods cause oxidative stress, which slows herpes healing during outbreaks.

Added sugar

Because your body converts sugar to acid, consider eating naturally sweet foods like bananas. 

 L arginine

Chocolate and caffeinated beverages contain high levels of l arginine, which aggravates herpes symptoms.

Word from Gilead on skin, mouth and genital herpes treatment.

Natural remedies for herpes are beneficial, but there is no harm to consult your doctor if your symptoms persist despite using natural herpes treatments.

If your symptoms worsen after using natural HSV remedies, seek further assistance from your doctor. At Gilead we advise that you uphold all the information given here to the best of your ability in cases of herpes outbreak.

2 thoughts on “Natural remedies for herpes Infection”

  1. Pingback: Home remedies for herpes simplex virus | GILEAD THERAPY

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