
17 Home remedies for itching vagina

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Itching vagina can be normal or an indicator of specific health problems. However, it is, in most cases, normal and harmless. There are several reasons for itching private part.

It may come with a burning inside or at the vulva. Discharge can characterize it or not. Several best home remedies cure itching vagina, but it all depends on its location.

The common causes of vaginal itch are yeast infections, vaginal dryness, and other sexually transmitted infections1,2,3. See your ob-gyn before taking action on your itching vagina.

Itching may not cause an alarm, but you should act on it when it comes with a vaginal burning. Here are 17 effective home remedies for vaginal itching before you think of any over the counter medication.

1. Intimate hygiene to alleviate itching vagina

You can soothe or prevent an itchy vagina by simply maintaining vaginal hygiene. One gynecologist said that Vagina is like a wetland. It cleans itself. Therefore, you don’t need to wash inside your vagina.

The area you should keep clean is the vulva around the vaginal opening. And this you can do by simply using warm water alone. Don’t use harsh soaps, cleansers, and gels to clean your private part to prevent vaginal itching.

Over washing your vagina can also cause itchiness. Using detergents irritates the vagina and leads to allergies, making it itch.

Avoid douching unless a medical expert directs you. Keep your pubic hair short and clean.

2. Hydrogen peroxide wash

A medically reviewed study shows that 3% hydrogen peroxide wash effectively clears the vaginal malodor of bacterial vaginosis after three weeks of treatment.

Peer reviewed studies in 2003 proved that hydrogen peroxide is a suitable alternative to conventional treatments for recurring bacterial vaginosis.

It has no collateral effects at low cost and with actual therapeutic efficacy. Therefore, it’s highly recommended by ob gyns for treating vaginal issues.

2. Eat probiotic foods to curb itching vagina

Probiotics are healthy bacteria that form part of effective home remedies for vaginal itching. They provide vital benefits to the body, skin, and brain.

Probiotic foods help promote health, reduce depression, and improve digestive health. A study suggests that probiotic foods can help make your skin glow.4,5

Eating probiotic foods will help increase the health of your gut and vaginal flora. They help keep healthy bacteria in your genital, enhancing vaginal health.

Here are some probiotic foods


Tempeh is a soybean product made by the fermentation process. It has a nutty or mushroom-like taste but is high in probiotics. Another health benefit of this food is the vitamin B12 formed during fermentation.


Kimchi is a Korean side dish from fermented cabbage. You can make it primarily from cabbage, but other vegetables are also helpful. The vegetables are fermented and seasoned with chili paper, ginger, garlic, and salt.


Miso is made by including fungus and salt in fermenting soybeans. The fungus is called koji. This food is a Japanese seasoning, but its health benefits spread worldwide.

You can add rye, rice, and barley to enhance the quality of its preparation. A study shows that miso can help reduce the risk of breast cancer.


These are cucumbers that are pickled in salt and water. The fermentation occurs naturally through the lactic acid bacteria. Pickles are high in sodium and vitamin K and low in calories. It is a superb source of probiotics that helps in the gut and private parts.

Other than the foods, you can get probiotic supplements that serve the same purposes. The most common probiotic supplements include Enterococcus, Saccharomyces, and Lactobacillus.

3. Use Coconut oil for itching vagina

Coconut oil has several health benefits for the body. With a high ability to penetrate the skin, it improves skin elasticity, reduces chances of infections, and fights itching.(7)Coconut oil is the best in incidences where a bacterial or yeast infection causes vaginal itching.

Coconut oil contains Lauric acid. When you digest this coconut oil acid, it forms a compound called monolaurin. Monolaurin and lauric acid can kill fungi, bacteria, and viruses, which cause infection and vaginal itching.

Studies show that these two components in coconut oil also kill Candida albicans, the primary causative agent of yeast infection in humans.8

Apart from antimicrobial properties, coconut oil is also a skin moisturizer.9 You can ingest coconut oil in food or insert it directly into your private part. Make sure it’s pure coconut oil.

4. Apple cider vinegar bath for itching vagina  

There is little evidence to affirm the exact properties of apple cider vinegar on an itchy vagina. However, most medics say it has anti-inflammatory properties for genital area diseases.

However, more research is required to affirm the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar as a cheap remedy for itching vagina.

Another test-tube study found that an apple cider vinegar bath can kill Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus.10

It’s cheap to acquire and has no side effects. Therefore, it will be best if you try it. You can add half cup of apple cider vinegar into your bathwater. Then soak in the water for 15-30 minutes.

5. Garlic and onion bath

Garlic and onion are among the oldest effective home remedies effective for itching vagina due to their antifungal properties.11

A 2016 medical professional study found that garlic can reverse fungus growth. In a study in Iran in 2010, they discovered that thyme and garlic used in antifungal cream have the same effects.

Garlic may help kill fungi that may cause yeast infections or vulvovaginal candidiasis.

Garlic has high sulfur compounds; don’t insert it directly into your vagina. You must add it with a red bulb onion that will help reduce its burning property.

You can use 4 cloves of garlic for each sizable red bulb onion. Grate in water, sit on it for 10-15 minutes, then rinse. The onion will regulate the burning effects of garlic and kill fungi and bacteria.

6. Cotton underwear

Continual exposure of your private part to urine and dampness can make you itch. Furthermore, it’s easier for fungi and bacteria to grow in dumpy places.

Having cotton underwear will help you absorb all the discharge and sweat that can make you itch. Silk and other fabrics can cause chaffing around your vulva, creating a conducive UTI and bacterial infection environment.12,13

Ensure your cotton underwear is not too tight but should allow for sufficient air circulation. Keep several cotton underwear changes for utmost hygiene.

Cotton underwear is best at increasing circulation around your vagina because they are breathable—tight panties of whatever material will also increase the friction on your private area, causing the itch.

7. Baking soda bath

Baking soda (Sodium bicarbonate) has antifungal properties that can control fungal infections. A 2013 study confirmed that a baking soda bath could kill candida albicans cells that cause yeast infections.

Another study found that a cup of baking soda baths can treat psoriasis and give the best results in treating vaginal itching.15

The National Eczema Foundation suggests baking soda in a bath or making a poultice and applying it on the skin can cure eczema.16

How to use baking soda for vaginal itching

When using baking soda, Add a quarter cup of baking soda to bathwater and soak for up to 40 minutes to relieve vaginal itching.

You can also make baking soda paste and, using cotton clothes, apply it to the vulva.

There is no direct link to how baking soda treats vaginal itch, but its effectiveness in yeast infections can indirectly treat vaginal itching.

There is a need for more research to affirm these anecdotal sentiments that baking soda can treat vaginal infections.

You should seek medical advice diagnosis from your doctor before using baking soda or other natural remedies to treat vaginal itch.

8. Greek yogurt

A 2015 survey shows that Greek yogurt has therapeutic effects on vaginal infections similar to Clotrimazole vaginal cream.

Strained yogurt contains zero whey components. Therefore, it is thicker than other regular yogurts. It’s also called Greek yogurt, kerned, and sack yogurt.

Greek yogurt is a common home remedy for yeast infections. It promotes the growth of probiotic bacteria that can kill yeast and keep your vagina healthy.

A study involving pregnant women found that Greek yogurt and honey were more effective in curing yeast infection than antifungal cream.17

How do you use strained yogurt to treat vaginal itching?

You can insert a reasonable amount into your vagina for instant relief from the itch to soothe it. Another way is to use a tampon coated with yogurt and insert it into your private part.

When using this home remedy, don’t add anything. Mixing yogurt with other chemicals may cause complications in your private area.

9. Drink Chamomile tea to treat itching vagina

Chamomile is a natural anti-inflammatory. Experts proved it to relieve the itch. It also has a calming property that can reduce the burning of your vulva.18,19,20

A study shows that chamomile tea can reduce the effects of redness from sunburn.21 The tea can also cure eczema, acne, and dry, itchy skin conditions. Application for this natural remedy varies with your convenience. You can use it orally or apply it with a soft cotton cloth on your private part.

10. Rosemary leaf sits baths or essential oil for itching vagina

A research found that individuals using rosemary oil reported lower scalp itching than minoxidil.22 Suggestions on the results showed that you could use rosemary oil to soothe an itchy vagina. When using rosemary oil, you can either add it to bath water or apply 2-3 drops to your private part.

11. Basil Leaves

Basil leaves contain eugenol. This substance numbs the nerve endings that make your vagina itch. It’s a potent herb possessing anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. Therefore, it can treat vaginal itching and burning.23,24,25

Using basil is easy. Simply collect fresh leaves of the herb. Then infuse in boiling water and allow cooling. Sieve off the leaves and use the water to rinse your vagina 2-3 times a day.

12. Oatmeal bath

A study in 2015 shows that using a colloidal oatmeal bath reduces the intensity of itching vagina. You can do this treatment by soaking oatmeal in water for 10-15 minutes. This effective treatment helps in reducing vulva itching or eczema.

A colloidal oatmeal bath can also reduce inflammation making it an ideal home remedy for vaginal itch.

A 2012 medically reviewed study shows that a colloidal oatmeal bath is adequate for personal care products that may help reduce skin dryness and other vaginal issues.

13. Itching vagina homemade antifungal cream

Activated charcoal is an excellent natural cure for acne and skin diseases. Indian residences use activated charcoal for snakes and insects’ bites. It’s used as one of the effective home remedies for tooth decay to absorb and kill bacteria.26

This home remedy for vaginal itch cures vaginal yeast infections and itchy vagina. You make an activated charcoal poultice with honey. So as honey soothes the burning, the charcoal traps the bacteria and fungi which cause the itch.

Add 2 tablespoons of honey to 1 tablespoon of charcoal mix to form a paste and apply gently on your vagina around the vulva.

14. Vitamin E


Of all the effective  home remedies for vaginal itch, vitamin E is readily available in every food store.

Study shows that vitamin E relieves itching vulva in pregnant women or menopause.27

It will help if you use Vitamin E orally or topically. Nevertheless, the best medium is oral by eating foods rich in vitamin E. These include green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils.

15. Petroleum jelly for itchy vagina

There is no scientific proof that Vaseline petroleum jelly can treat itching vagina. But the soothing effect of petroleum jelly may help relieve itching vagina.

All these have no side effects which might come from the creams. Furthermore, skin reaction to various products may cause you more irritation.

16. Reduce the consumption of yeasted bread

Yeast present in raised bread, if not adequately baked, will increase the yeast cells in the body, increasing the risk of developing yeast infections.

Foods like hamburgers, hot dogs, and pastries also have yeast present in their recipes. You may use substitutes like flax seeds or raisins for cooking food from wheat products.

17. Healthy diet

A balanced diet will help strengthen your immune system. A healthy immune system will help your body fight foreign pathogens causing infections.

Ensure you get sufficient vitamin C from fruits and vegetables. While cooking food is inevitable, remember to eat most of your diet raw.

The best food items for health should comprise plant-based materials. The current rates of diseases in animal food items will weaken your immunity and lead to several infections.

19. Vitamin C supplements

A 2013 study found that 250 mg of vitamin c tablets for six days for six months after treatment of bacterial vaginosis reduces the risk of re-occurrence by half.

Another 2011 research shows that vitamin c is effective in controlling BV, which causes the itch inside the vagina.

You may opt to use vitamin C supplements or fortify your food with high sources of vitamin c like fruits and leafy greens, which are equally important.

How do I stop private parts itching at night?

Here are the best home remedies for vaginal itching that you can use at night.

Bath oil

Dry skin sometimes causes vaginal itching. Experts advise that using gentle oil help in skin moisturizing. When choosing bath oil, don’t pick any with fragrance or perfume. These can cause more harm than good.28

Add gentle oil into your bathtub and soak for 10-30 minutes. Allow the mixture to flow inside the vagina. If the issue persists, you may try other readily available home remedies for vaginal infections.

Cold compress to soothe vaginal itching

If other home remedies for vaginal itching fail, you can use a cold compress. It’s a pain reliever and can reduce the burning in your vaginal area.

Cold compress numbs the itching, swelling, and burning. It’s easy to use this remedy at home.

All you need are ice cubes and an ice bag. Place the ice pack on your vagina for a few minutes until the pain is gone.

Use essential oils to stop vaginal itching

There are several essential oils that you can use as home remedies for vaginal itching. But the most effective for vaginal issues are tea tree, lavender, and oregano essential oil mixed with a suitable carrier oil.

Tea tree oil and oregano essential oil are effective oils for itchy vagina. They possess antifungal properties that kill some yeast and fungus.

According to research, tea tree oil has anti-viral and antibacterial properties. Applying a few drops of either of these oils to your private part will help you relieve itching.29

Ensure you use a few drops of carrier oil like olive and coconut oil when using essential oils as a vaginal moisturizer.

A 2015 study shows that lavender essential oil effectively controls fungus cells that cause yeast infection and itching in the private part.

The graph of fungus cell count in the control study of, Clotrimazole and lavender essential oil groups after 48 hours.


Treat vaginal infections

You should treat all vaginal infections like yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, and any other sexually transmitted infection before using home remedies for vaginal itching.

You can use vaginal suppositories to treat yeast infections. Vaginal yeast infections often cause vaginal itch.

Boric acid wash

Boric acid is a water-soluble compound consisting of boron, oxygen, and hydrogen. This acid contains antifungal and antimicrobial properties that may help treat vaginal infection and reduce the vaginal itch.

A 2009 study accepts the effectiveness of boric acid for genital itching treatments, although there is a need for further studies in this field.

Avoid the use of harsh soaps

Scented soaps contain chemicals that affect women’s health. Harsh soaps will irritate the vagina and vulva, causing itching.

Several healthcare professionals discourage using harsh soap to clean the vaginal area. See your doctor on healthy genital products that you may use.

Which vaginal cream is best for itching in private parts?

In incidences that home remedies are not available, you may use the following creams for treating vaginal itching.

Meclon Idra-Alfasigma

A 2021 randomized clinical trial showed the best vaginal cream Meclon Idra-Alfasigma for vaginal itch and other vaginal infections.

Clotrimazole cream

Another medically reviewed study poses that Clotrimazole is effective for vaginal candidiasis, vaginal yeast infections, and vaginal dryness and may prevent vaginal itching.

Although these creams may treat yeast infections, home remedies for itching vagina will give you the best results.

Cortisone cream

A 2002 medically reviewed study shows that cortisone cream is effective for treating genital itching and maintaining vaginal health. Hydrocortisone creams are available over the counter.

A 2014 study shows that cortisone cream can treat vulvar pruritus. The effectiveness of cortisone cream in treating patients with vulvar pruritus may help reduce the itching symptom of the disease.

You can also get alternative antifungal cream over the counter to curb vaginal itchiness.

Vagisil cream

Peer reviewed studies done in  2013 show that vagisil cream effectively suppresses the growth of bacteria. It can help control vaginal itch due to bacterial infection.

You need to see a doctor before using any vaginal cream.

Foods that may cause an itching vagina

These effective home remedies for itching vagina may not work effectively if you still eat certain foods that may cause itching vagina. Before using natural remedies, consider your diet first.

Irritation or allergy can cause itching on the skin. Specific proteins that the body’s immune identifies as invaders and therefore fights them, causing an allergic reaction.

The body forms antibodies that result in itch, inflammation, and many other effects. Here are foods that can help you avoid skin irritation and possibly inching on your private part.


Proteins like ovalbumin, white lysozyme, and ovomucin can cause allergic skin conditions. The primary symptom of egg allergy is hives, characterized by swollen, red itchy skin conditions and may cause vaginal itching.

Cow’s milk

Whey and casein in cow milk can cause allergies. These reactions result in itching and tingling feeling in various body parts and may cause vaginal itch.


The big problem with soybeans is they are almost all genetically engineered. It’s hard to find organic soy in the market today.

Although soy allergies are common in children, it also affects adults. The most common effect of soy allergy is dermatitis, characterized by inflammation and itching on your skin.30


A shellfish is a group of fish that includes shrimps, lobsters, squids, crabs, and oysters. Shellfish have a protein called tropomyosin, which causes allergic reactions.

There are severe shellfish allergies, but mild reactions commonly include itching, skin rashes, and hives.31

What causes itching in the private part?

Vaginal dryness

The common causes of vaginal atrophy are hormonal imbalances, menopause, and breastfeeding.

Dryness causes itch in the vagina and vulva

There are several causes of vaginal itching. These include:

Hormonal imbalance in females

Hormonal changes in women involve changes in estrogen levels. The difference in vaginal estrogen levels may cause dryness and itching vagina.

A 2021 medically reviewed study shows that lower estrogen levels in women may cause vaginal itching.

Peer reviewed studies done in 2004 prove estrogen therapy is an effective treatment for women with vaginal atrophy. The study shows that vaginal dryness is due to hormonal changes in the body.

Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is a condition that affects women of childbearing age. An imbalance of bacteria in the vagina causes it.

According to the national institute of health, bacterial vaginosis is caused by unprotected sex and frequent douching.31

The symptoms of bacterial vaginosis include vaginal itching, burning sensation during urination, and odor discharge. 

 Allergic reactions

Many proteins introduced in the body results in allergies. These reactions further have different effects on your body or skin. Foods like eggs and shellfish have itching reactions on the skin, making your vagina itch.

If you develop an allergy, using effective home remedies for allergies will reduce the burning feeling on the skin.

Fungal infection

Fungus Candida albicans causes fungal infection. It reduces the concentration of lactobacillus bacteria in the vagina. Eating habit (sugary foods) influences the growth of candida cells. Pregnancy and uncontrolled diabetes are also high-risk factors.

Its symptoms include:-

  • A burning sensation during intercourse or while urinating.
  • Redness and swelling of the vulva.
  • Vaginal pain and soreness.
  • Vaginal rash.
  • Thick, white, odor-free vaginal discharge with a cottage cheese appearance.
  • Watery discharge.

Personal hygiene

Of all the natural remedies for vaginal itching, personal hygiene is the foundation. In most cases, the vaginal itch is not caused by vaginal infections alone but also allergic skin conditions due to dirt.

Failure to keep your vagina clean will make you experience vaginal itching. Re-using underwear and failing to bathe is an unhygienic practice that will make you itch.

Keeping the private area clean will help you avoid vaginal yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, and other vaginal infections.

Moderately washing your private part using clean, warm water and frequently changing your underwear will help you avoid vaginal itching.

Exchange your cotton underwear frequently and wash them thoroughly to prevent infection in your genital area.

Chemical irritants in soap and ointments

You know already that your vagina is very delicate. Chemical changes around or within it will affect your health. Scented soap and ointments have chemical irritants that cause your private part to itch. 31

STI infection

Sexually transmitted infections like genital herpes and trichomoniasis cause direct damage to the epithelium tissues in the private area, causing vaginal itching.32 There are several natural remedies that you may use to treat vaginal infections like herpes.

Vaginal dryness

As women age, the production of estrogen reduces, causing vaginal dryness. However, a decrease in estrogen production may result from factors other than menopause.

Whatever the cause, vaginal dryness can be an uncomfortable and painful condition. Vaginal dryness characterizes pain during intercourse and vaginal itching. It’s easier to overcome vaginal dryness with simple home remedies.

Dull razors

When cleaning your private part, avoid using dull razors. You should prefer using another means that will not make you develop razor bumps. These bumps often cause vaginal itching.

Frequent and lasting with urine

When you go for a terse call, make sure you come off-dry. Do not allow the urine to drip on your underwear, making your private part dumpy. When you’re dump down there, it’s easier to develop bacterial and fungal infections leading to vaginal itching.

Moreover, urine is acidic and will irritate your vulva after some time if the skin maintains contact with it. The result is an itch in your private region.

Over washing or douching your vagina

As I said earlier, the vagina is a wetland like the riparian zone of a lake or a river. It can itself maintain the area clean. All you can do is wash with clean water only and keep it away from irritants. Overarching and douching will cause injury that leads to vaginal itch. 33

Scratching and rubbing

Common when masturbating or simply for cheap thrills. Minimize your hand visits to your private area. Many germs are in the hands, and if you often touch your vagina, you can transfer these germs to your delicate skin.

 The germs may cause more problems accompanied by vaginal itching and burning sensations in your vagina.

Vaginal yeast infection

A type of fungi called Candida Albicans causes yeast infection. Its also called vaginal candidiasis.34 Vaginal yeast infections can also spread to other parts of the body like, like the common oral thrush that attacks the mouth.

A 2019 medically reviewed study shows that an itchy vagina characterizes vaginal yeast infections. The study poses that vaginal yeast infection (thrush) may cause discharge and vaginal itch

Genital warts

These are warts attacking the genital area causing small bumps and vaginal itch. 35

Vulvar cancer

Vulvar cancer is a rare type of cancer attacking the female genitalia. It often occurs on the outer skin around the urethra and vagina and may include the clitoris and labia.36

Vulvar cancer forms lumps on the vulva that cause itching. The common risk factor is the HPV virus. Studies show that vulvar cancer is more common in older women than young females.37

Skin disorders that cause vaginal itching

Several skin diseases can cause an itching vagina. These include:

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is also known as eczema. It’s a skin condition that makes your skin itchy and red. It can appear from any part of the body. If it appears in a private area, it can lead to vaginal itch.38


A skin disease characterized by itchy scaly patches that may attach to the vaginal area.39

Allergic contact dermatitis

Caused by an allergic reaction, the body produces inflammatory chemicals that cause skin irritation and itching.40,41


An infection of the follicles. A bacterial and fungal infection causes it. Other skin disorders include Lichen simplex, Lichen sclerosus, and Lichen planus Seborrhea dermatitis. These skin conditions may cause vaginal itch.42,43

What can cause vaginal itching with no other symptoms?

Vaginal itching may result from other health conditions that are not showing any symptoms; these include:

Pubic lice

Pubic lice is a rare sexually transmitted infection that causes intense itching in the private area. Its characterized by lice attacking pubic hair, causing itching, especially at night.44

Lichen sclerosis

Lichen sclerosis is an uncommon autoimmune condition leading to skin atrophy and hypopigmentation. These skin disorders lead to vaginal itch.45

Contact dermatitis

A 2022 medical trial study shows that dermatitis symptoms include burning, itching, soreness, and urination pain. Therefore it’s one of the many conditions that cause vaginal itching.

 Genital herpes

Herpes simplex type 2 is a viral infection that attacks the human genitalia. Its prevalent symptoms include vaginal discharge, itching, scabs, and small red bumps. Its main transmission is through sexual intercourse.

If you suffer from this sexually transmitted infection, you will have a vaginal itch.46

When to see a healthcare provider

There are incidences where you don’t need to use certain home remedies anymore. If the symptoms persist after using the natural remedies, you need medical attention for further treatments of the underlying cause.

  • When your vagina itch inside with a burning feeling, you need to see a healthcare provider.
  • You experience a discharge with a fishy smell
  • When the itch is recurrent

Wrap up

You need to know that many conditions may cause itching vagina. But before you see a doctor, there are multiple effective home remedies for vaginal itching, but you can switch from one to another until you get relief if symptoms persist.

In cases where you have yeast infections or any other vaginal infection, you need to seek advice, diagnosis, or treatment from a healthcare provider for further medical treatment.

Consider following all the laws of health for total takeover. If you face a serious condition and the problem persists, seek further checkups. Meanwhile, make sure you keep your health right.

4 thoughts on “17 Home remedies for itching vagina”

  1. Pingback: Painful Periods Home Remedies | GILEAD THERAPY


  3. Pingback: 17 Home remedies for fungal infection | GILEAD THERAPY

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