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13 Effective Home Remedies for Nausea

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Nausea is an unpleasant sensation due to an interaction between changeable physiological states and inherent factors.(1)

It’s a protective mechanism that prevents potential toxic ingestion or a sign of hidden health conditions. It’s a precursor to vomiting, although not always.(2)

 According to medically reviewed studies, nausea is an adverse effect of chemotherapy, surgical anesthesia, and radiotherapy treatment.(3)

Often, nausea is associated with acid reflux. But other causes may be pregnancy, overeating, and motion sickness. Nausea can also occur as a side effect of some drugs.(4)

Although there are many medications for nausea, you do not have to rush to the hospital for an occasional or mild nausea feeling. You can solve it using the natural remedies for nausea explained in this article before seeking anti-vomiting medications.

What gets rid of nausea fast?

The following natural remedies for nausea from only high quality sources will help you eliminate the feeling and avoid vomiting. Consider using them singly or mix where you can.


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Several medical reviewers confirm the effectiveness of ginger as a traditional remedy for nausea.

According to National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, ginger has active components like gingerol that can help pregnant women in reducing nausea.(5)

Researchers have not fully understood the way it works. It is almost magical. A daily dose of ginger works virtually similar to anti-nausea medications. Research by Farrer (2016) agrees with the effectiveness of ginger in managing nausea and vomiting symptoms.

Scientists assume that ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties help relieve nausea symptoms. Ginger speeds up the movement of the stomach contents into the small intestines to ease nausea.

Amasha and Heeba (2013) divided 27 pregnant women with nausea into three equal groups. They subjected the first to chew one gram of dried ginger root daily. The second group was to chew the same quantity just twice a week. Lastly, the third group was not supposed to take ginger at all.

In two weeks, the results were excellent. The group under regular dried ginger had fully recovered. The second group had reduced symptoms, while most of the individuals in the placebo group still had nausea problems.

For anyone with nausea issues, ginger is just as perfect a remedy as it is for expectant mothers. Moreover, you may also get it in capsule form if you can’t bear its bitterness.

Ginger should be taken in moderation when you’re taking blood thinners. Consult your doctor for an effective dosage of dried ginger root.

Peppermint oil aromatherapy

Peppermint is one of the best home remedies for nausea and the only effective of all the essential oils. When examining its effects on nauseated women who had just given birth, those subjected to peppermint aromatherapy had significantly low levels of nausea than their counterparts.(6)

Farrer (2015) found that peppermint aromatherapy is 78.3 percent effective in reducing nausea symptoms.

Moroney (2021) found that it reduces the urge to puke in just 2 minutes in a separate study using an inhaler containing peppermint oil. Peppermint inhalers are supported by journals of perianesthesia nursing for patients undergoing cardiac surgery to reduce nausea.

Therefore, if you feel nauseous at home and have some peppermint oil, do not hesitate; it may help treat nausea or vomiting symptoms.

Other reports suggest that peppermint tea is just as effective and can help calm an upset stomach. However, it’s not proven.

It will help if you discourage taking peppermint in capsule form. It has given mixed results in patients. You should also be aware that not all essential oils may help treat nausea. No other essential oil has scientific evidence of treating nausea.

Although more studies are yet to investigate this home remedy further, both its leaves and oil can ease nausea.


A freshly sliced lemon has a citrus smell. This smell helps relieve nausea. Lemon works even better for pregnant women as a home remedy for nausea.

In research by Sewani-Rusike and Mammen (2014), they divided eighty women into two groups. They instructed one group to inhale Lemon essential oil while the other inhaled almond oils.

In one week, the “lemon group” had nine percent lower nausea than those who inhaled almond oil.

So if you have some nausea feeling, scratch the peel of a lemon and place it under your nostrils. You can also use lemon essential oil when having motion sickness.

Deep breathing

Deep breathing slowly and deeply can reduce nausea by a significant percentage.

A controlled breathing trial in patients with postoperative nausea showed positive results.(7,8)

In a study to determine the most effective aromatherapy, AMASHA and JARRAH (2012) slowly subjected 20 patients to inhale distinct scents.

The result was almost unanimous. It made them conclude it was not the scents but it was due to deep breathing.

A 2015 study confirms that deep breaths can help relieve nausea by up to 70 percent. Controlled breathing is one of the most tested and proven home remedies for nausea. So why not try it?(9)

Fennel Powder, Cinnamon, and Cumin spices

These popular home remedies initially help reduce nausea by just anecdotal evidence. Currently, a few research studies have confirmed that they are effective in providing relief from nausea.

Ibrahim (2015) states that fennel can relieve nausea, especially during menstrual periods and pregnancy.

Mohsenzadeh et al. (2018) also confirmed that cinnamon is an effective remedy for nausea, menstrual bleeding, and primary dysmenorrhea.

However, cinnamon can lower blood sugar; you should consult your physician before taking these remedies for nausea.

According to Ibrahim (2015), nausea and constipation are among the top health problems solvable by using cumin extract.

For proper usage, add 6-8 ounces of cinnamon to boiling water then seemer for 10-15 minutes, sieve, and drink.

Relaxing the Muscles

Relaxing the muscles is a perfect home remedy to reduce nausea. When you feel nauseated, try progressive muscle relaxation. It involves tensing and relaxing your muscles continuously and in a uniform sequence.

This process helps control the concentration of the brain. A controlled concentration reduces nausea feeling. An alternative way of getting muscle tension relief is through massage.

In an experiment by Sewani-Rusike and Mammen (2014), they divided eight patients feeling nauseous into two groups.

They gave the first five a gentle hand and leg massage while the other three were not. In the end, the massaged patients became 30 percent less likely to feel nausea.

Therefore, they concluded that massage and muscle relaxation might help reduce nausea.

Cooked Brown Rice

Light foods are effective in absorbing stomach acids causing nausea. Brown rice is one of the natural remedies for nausea that will reduce nausea symptoms and digestive issues like constipation.

Whenever you feel nausea, boil a little rice and incorporate salty foods that may help reduce nausea symptoms. A bland diet may be suitable to make the dish tastier.(10)

It leaves the mouth feeling dry and eliminates excess saliva production.

Frequent meals of a bland diet are equally suitable for an upset stomach and may help reduce nausea.

Drinking more fluids

When experiencing nausea, the body loses a lot of fluids in saliva and sometimes sweats. So, it is necessary to stay hydrated. Medically reviewed studies show that dehydration can worsen nausea.(11,12)

In most cases, drinking fluids may cause vomiting. However, drinking fluids like ginger ale, mint tea, and lemonade may help reduce nausea.

Drinking water may also help clean the mouth and GI tract and reduce the urge to vomit. Furthermore, fluids will help you stay hydrated and improve your health conditions.


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When the cause of your nausea is motion sickness, cloves are the best home remedy for you.

They contain substantial quantities of eugenol. Eugenol has extraordinary antibacterial abilities that can help relieve nausea.

Add a cup of steaming hot water to a teaspoon of cloves. Steep for about ten minutes and strain. Drink. If you’re traveling, you can carry the tea as part of your anti-nausea medications. Consider consulting your doctor before large doses of cloves if you are pregnant.

Increase your protein intake

Protein-rich food causes the digestive tract to be calm and dry. Thus, it may relieve you from the symptoms of nausea. This natural home remedy for nausea is recommended for persons with recurring conditions.

Some protein-rich foods, including beans, nuts, and legumes, may be helpful. So if you feel nauseated often, consider increasing the protein portion of your food.

Aerobic exercise

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One of the top exercises that can help with nausea is aerobic exercise. Although the results differ among individuals, these exercises are a great way to deal with nausea at home. They bring about a calming effect on the brain.

Aerobic exercises also improve the functional ability of the digestive organs, enabling them to optimize their functions.

Exercise reduces the excess mucus production, further reducing the urge to puke.

Maintain an upright posture

A 2014 study found that a semi-fowler’s position can effectively relieve nausea in chemotherapy patients. Moving the patient from a supine position to a little walk is advisable to relieve nausea symptoms.(13)

Some people may develop nausea when they lie down after meals. Lying in a horizontal position may trigger the movement of eaten food out of the stomach. Hence, an upright posture may reduce pressure on the belly and may help improve symptoms.

Although nausea comes with an urge to lie down, this isn’t the best idea. Maintaining an upright posture is one of the home remedies for nausea.

What disease can cause nausea?

A2007 study poses that the most common cause of acute nausea that comes with vomit is food poisoning and gastrointestinal infections.

A 2008 study affirms that acute nausea results from viral illnesses and infections, but the causes of chronic nausea are seldom known.

Another cause of severe nausea with vomit is cholera.

What causes nausea without vomiting?

Not at all times will you vomit when you feel nauseous. Consequently, nausea may be caused by allergies, food intolerances, or acid reflux.(14)

Other causes of nausea without vomit include stress, anxiety, motion sickness, and infections.

Why do I keep getting nauseous?


A 2017 scientific study poses that nausea is a common pregnancy disorder. For most women, it happens in the first trimester, although others experience nausea during their entire pregnancy. It affects 70% to 80% of women.(15,16)


Gastroparesis is a chronic stomach disorder that results in gastric emptying delays. Its common symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and upper abdominal pain.(17,18)

Bowel obstructions or Ulcerative Colitis

A bowel obstruction can be functional or mechanical obstruction of the intestines. Its symptoms include vomiting, nausea, constipation, and abdominal pain.(19,20)

Is there a pressure point for nausea?

Initially, this was a famous Chinese remedy for nausea. Over time, it’s now worldwide, and the results are excellent.

It involves applying pressure to “The Pressure Point Neiguan,” a spot near the wrist on the palm side of the forearm, below the index finger. The process is simple.

Place three fingers across the wrist. Lower the thumb under the middle finger. Using the thumb, rub the point gently but firmly circularly. Continue for about two minutes and wait. Repeat the process.

Peer-reviewed studies in 2014 found that acupuncture may help reduce nausea and vomiting in cardiac surgery patients.

Clinical trials in  2003 found that acupuncture can also reduce acid secretion and repress gastric arrhythmias in the upper GI tract.

A 2020 medically reviewed study found that acupuncture to the wrist significantly reduced nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy patients.

Suppose you develop nausea in an intimate setting. Like in a vehicle, this can be the best home remedy. It can also be done on other body parts to alleviate pain; you don’t need thin needles.

How long does nausea usually last?

A medically reviewed research suggests that nausea often peaks at 12 hours from the first symptom and goes away within 24 hours.(21)

According to the national health institute’s peer-reviewed study, chronic nausea symptoms result from inflammatory or obstructive processes in the gastrointestinal tract.(22)

Sometimes, it may take too long due to underlying health conditions, and you may see your healthcare provider help you treat nausea.

You may also consider using home remedies to get rid of nausea and vomiting at home.

Practices to avoid when experiencing nausea

Avoiding a few things that trigger nausea, even when using home remedies for nausea, is vital.

It can help speed up your recovery from the condition. Here is a list of the things you should avoid when you feel nausea.

Avoid spicy foods

When feeling nauseous, the stomach becomes more alert to spices. Your condition is twice as likely to become vomit if you consume a lot of spices.

The smell of some spices may worsen nausea and vomiting symptoms. They can trigger or aggravate the urge to puke. By avoiding these foods, you may get rid of nausea.

The latest evidence-based research by Moroney (2021) discovered that avoiding spicy foods before traveling can reduce feelings of nausea by up to 40%.

Large meals

Nausea may begin because of excess intake of food. When the stomach has more food than it can reasonably digest, it may signal the brain to allow it to release some. Temperance is among the natural remedies for nausea.

It is advisable to avoid taking large quantities of meals in a sitting. Moderate food consumption and eat slowly to allow the brain to better process the information in the stomach. By so doing, the risk of nausea becomes significantly reduced.

Drinking with meals

Drinking also dilutes the food component, making digestion more complicated. As a result, the stomach may want to release some of its content, triggering nausea.

Avoiding drinking water with meals can help prevent nausea and support digestion. Adopt the habit of drinking water between your meals. You may check more on dieting from a nutrition journal.

Strong smells and stuffy environments

According to Ibrahim, strong smells increase the risk of nausea by 30 percent. It can also worsen nausea in pregnant women. So by just keeping your surroundings clean, you are adding to your self home remedies for nausea.

However, the strength of smell that may trigger or worsen this condition differs from person to person. Stuffy places have the same effect as solid smells. They equally increase the urge to vomit.

Moroney advises people with recurring nausea to avoid potent smells and stuffy conditions.

If possible, they should avoid even the scent of perfumes and some detergents. Pregnant women should also ensure their surrounding is clean and adequately aerated to prevent symptoms of morning sickness like nausea.

When should you go to board-certified physicians for nausea?

Acute nausea shouldn’t bother you, but there are some instances when it may be wise to seek medical attention. You may seek effective treatment when you have the following experiences:

  • You have other digestive issues
  • When it’s recurrent, and there are no remarkable triggers
  • If you are under some medications
  • When the home remedies for nausea don’t work for you

Your doctor may give you some medications that may provide relief as a further diagnosis is done.

Words from Gilead

The information in this article provides authoritative experiences from wellness professionals and medically reviewed studies that may help alleviate nausea.

Nevertheless, it doesn’t take the place of professional medical advice but are part of complementary therapies.

There are several medications for this condition. Many side effects accompany some medicines. Besides, one must part ways with a few dollars to get them. However, the good news is that these conditions are treatable at home.

For an adult, try some of these natural home remedies for nausea relief listed above. If you can use a combination of two or more, it’s okay.

If nausea persists for two days after trying these home remedies, seek further medical advice.

9 thoughts on “13 Effective Home Remedies for Nausea”

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