
25 Causes of constipation that hinder loose bowels

Over 2.5 million individuals every year see their doctors because of constipation. This is the most common gastrointestinal complaint characterized by difficulty in passing stool, and a reduced frequency of bowel movements a week that is fewer than three times.(1,2) It may at times cause fecal impaction in toddlers and old folks. Individuals suffering from

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13 Effective Home Remedies for Nausea

Nausea is an unpleasant sensation due to an interaction between changeable physiological states and inherent factors.(1) It’s a protective mechanism that prevents potential toxic ingestion or a sign of hidden health conditions. It’s a precursor to vomiting, although not always.(2)  According to medically reviewed studies, nausea is an adverse effect of chemotherapy, surgical anesthesia, and

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